If, for whatever reason, you are going to bottle-feed your baby, see that he notices as little difference as possible:` hold him in your arms just as if you were breast-feeding him.
When preparing the bottle, it is important to put in first the water and then the powdered milk. Most milk powders at present are to be used in the following proportions: for every 30 cc of water, 1 measure of milk thus: 30cc/l measure, 60 cc/2 measures, 90 cc/3 measures, 120 cc/4 measures). On leaving the hospital or clinic you will be told how much baby is taking at the time. From then on you may increase the amount daily, without forcing it, by about 10 cc per day per feed, up to 90-100 cc per bottle.
The feeding bottle must be specially prepared before each feed and given to baby after it has been warmed. A bottlewarmer is very handy for this. Throw away any leftovers and do not keep them for the next feed.
Choosing the right teat and holes for baby to feed properly may mean testing a number of teats before the right one can be found. It is generally necessary to enlarge the initial holes bit by bit, using a thick, red-hot needle. It is also possible to cut an X in the top by means of a razor blade that has first been disinfected. The hole will be the right size when the bottle drips slowly if it is turned upside down and bubbles form constantly when baby is sucking on it.
After feeding, try and get baby to burp, especially if he takes his bottle-feed greedily. To do this, hold him up and pat his back gently. Sometimes it is not possible to get him to bring up the wind and it is not then necessary to spend hours trying.
About hiccoughs after feeding is quite usual and there is need not to worry.
The bottle may be sterilised either by boiling or by using the Milton method. In the latter case follow the instructions carefully.