Category "Lactancy"

If, for whatever reason, you are going to bottle-feed your baby, see that he notices as little difference as possible:` hold him in your arms just as if you were breast-feeding him.

When preparing the bottle, it is important to put in first the water and then the powdered milk. Most milk powders at present are to be used in the following proportions: for every 30 cc of water, 1 measure of milk thus: 30cc/l measure, 60 cc/2 measures, 90 cc/3 measures, 120 cc/4 measures). On leaving the hospital or clinic you will be told how much baby is taking at the time. From then on you may increase the amount daily, without forcing it, by about 10 cc per day per feed, up to 90-100 cc per bottle.


The first food the new-born baby is given is water with sugar added to it. Breast-feeding begins a few hours after birth. At first the baby may be sleepy and not very willing to feed, but he will wake up bit by bit. It is important for both the mother and the baby to be comfortable so that they are both more relaxed as feeding will be more pleasant.
